How to Deal with Conflict at the Office

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Have you ever experienced conflict in the workplace whether with a peer or a boss? If you raised your hand, you’re not alone.

According to Jeff Hayes, CEO of The Myers-Briggs Company, conflict can cost businesses millions of dollars a year when not managed well.

While conflict is bound to happen when there are so many personalities and points of view in a workplace, we think what matters the most if how you deal with it.

If you are dealing with conflict, our 3 tips might help you start to resolve the issue and feel better.

  1. Take a bird’s eye view of the situation.

It’s a hard pill to swallow sometimes, but looking at what your role is, in what is going on is an important first step. Ask yourself, what might have you done to contribute to the situation and what attitude are you taking towards it and the other person.

  1. Have Boundaries.

Sometimes people who feel threatened (maybe you?), have had their boundaries crossed. Did you say yes to something because you felt like you couldn’t say no? Did you not speak up in a meeting when you felt you should have?

It’s never too late to course correct.

Maybe you need an extension on that project you are working on. Or maybe you feel like you are always picking up the slack from a co-worker. Know your limits and provide the best work you can, while also honoring yourself.

  1. Honour and Respect Differences.

When it comes to human resources and conflict resolution, nothing is black and white. There are many grey areas when dealing with all kinds of different people.

Knowing how others are different can put things into perspective. Everyone has different backgrounds, view points, and ways of responding and working. If you honour this, you might start to see why your coworker or boss reacted to a situation or task differently than you might have.

This opens up your perspective, which can open up lines of communication and ways to work through the conflict at hand.

While conflict is inevitable when it comes to working closely with other humans, how you deal with it can always be changed and improved, which can lead to happier and healthier workplaces and people.